信條1:我相信我自己。I believe in myself.
信條2:我相信自己所銷售的商品。I believe in the goods I sell.
信條3:我相信自己所供職的公司。I believe in the firm whom I work. (核心是忠誠、激情、共同發(fā)展)
信條4:我相信自己的同事和助手們。I believe in the colleagues and helpers.(即所謂以誠相待、學(xué)習(xí)別人的優(yōu)點和長處、團隊運作)
信條5:我相信美國的商業(yè)方式。I believe in American business methods.(即契約精神、公正)
信條6:我相信生產(chǎn)者、發(fā)明者、制造者、發(fā)行者,以及所有有一份工作,并為之努力的人。I believe in producers, creators, manufacturers, distributors, and in all industrial workers of the world who have job, and hold it down. (尊重他人勞動、人才)
信條7:我相信真理是有價值的。I believe that truth is an asset.
信條8:我相信人應(yīng)該有愉快的心情和健康的身體。 I believe in good cheer and in good health.(快樂工作,健康生活)
信條9:我相信成功的必要條件并不是賺錢,而是創(chuàng)造價值,創(chuàng)造了價值,成功就自然而來。I recognize the fact that the first requisite in success is not to achieve the dollar, but to confer a benefit, and that the reward will come automatically, and usually as a matter of course.(持續(xù)創(chuàng)造,并在創(chuàng)造中成功)
信條10:我相信陽光、新鮮空氣、菠菜、蘋果醬、笑聲、乳酪、嬰兒、絲綢和雪紡綢,始終記?。河⒄Z中最偉大的單詞就是“滿足”。I believe in sunshine, fresh air, spinach, applesauce, laughter, buttermilk, babies, bombazine and chiffon, always remembering that the greatest word in the English language is “sufficiency”. (知足常樂,珍視身邊的幸福)
信條11:我相信我每做一筆生意我就多了一個朋友。I believe that when I make a sale I make a friend. (即我們常說的做生意就是做人,就是交朋友)
信條12:我相信當(dāng)我和一個人分別的時候,我一定要做到:當(dāng)我們再次見面的時候,他看到我會很高興,我看到他也會感到很高興。I believe that when I part with a man I must do it in such a way that when he sees me again he will be glad and so will I.
信條13:我相信工作的雙手,思考的大腦和充滿愛的心靈。 I believe in the hands that work, in the brain than think, and in the hearts that love. (即一分耕耘一分收獲、感恩、智慧創(chuàng)造財富)